Maria Evelina Rossi
Born in Genoa, October 21, 1955
Married, two daughters
Full Professor of Geometry, University of Genoa 1999 - 2023Associate Professor of Algebra, University of Genoa 1988 - 1999
Degree in Mathematics, University of Genoa, 1978.
Research Interests:
Commutative Algebra
Algebraic Geometry, Homological Algebra and
Computational Algebra
Research Grants:
Contributo BIPE 2018-2020 (incentivazione europea Mission 1 "Promoting Competitiveness")
PRA (Progetto di Ateneo 2017)
FRA (Fondi di Ricerca di Ateneo 2016, 2017,2018, 2019)
PRIN 2015 EYPTSB-008 Geometry of Algebraic Varieties, supervised by A. Verra. Local coordinator A. Conca
Progetto Vigoni (Commutative Algebra), 2016
Progetto CARIGE (Commutative Algebra), 2013
PRA (Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo 2012-2014-2015)
Research Membership at Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, California, Fall 2012.
Azione integrata Italia-Spagna MIUR (PI) (2007-2009).
MIUR-USR-Confindustria (PI) 2005-2007, 2008-2009, 2010-2012 (Piano Lauree Scientifiche).
PRIN 2011 Geometry of Algebraic Varieties, supervised by A. Verra. Local coordinator A. Conca
PRIN 2000-2009 Commutative Algebra, Computational aspects and Combinatorics, supervised by G.Valla.
FSE Ob. 3 Project (2004-2006)
FIRB Project (2002-2004)
Mentoring Grants Women for Research (2000-2001)
Murst-grant 1997-2000 (national net Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra).
GNSAGA, CNR, MPI grants (1985-1995)
- Member of the PhD Council in "Matematica e Applicazioni" of the Department of Matematica of Genoa, 2013-2024.
- Member of Giunta and Commissione Programmazione DIMA, 2015-2018.
- Member of Scientific committee of Italian Union of Mathematics (UMI), 2015-2018.
- Member of Scientific committee of GNSAGA, Istituto di Alta Matematica (INDAM) since 2013.
- Director of the Department of Mathematics of Genoa 2011-2015.
- Elected Member of the Academic Council of the University of Genoa (Senato Accademico) 2012-2018.
- Member of several administrative committees of the University of Genoa: Commissione Statuto, Commissione per la Costituzione dei Dipartimenti , Commissione Regolamento di Ateneo, (2009-10-11-12-13).
- Vice-director of the Department of Mathematics of Genoa 2009-2011.
- President CCS in Mathematics (teaching coordinator), Universita' di Genova, 2004-2007
- Local coordinator of the national program: Progetto Lauree Scientifiche (MIUR-Confindustria-Ufficio didattico regionale), 2005-07, 2008-09, 2010-12.
- Developed and taught interdisciplinary Seminars in Commutative Algebra at the University of Genova
- Undergraduate and graduate students advisor.
- Member of several committees for professor and researcher (Ministero della Ricerca e dellUniversita’ MIUR, Italy).
Professional Activities:
- Organizer with A. Seceleanu, C. Berkesch, L. Fouli of Connections Workshop: Commutative Algebra, MSRI, January 18-20, 2024
- Organizer with Viet Ngo Trung , Jugal Verma, Local Organiser: Lothar Goettsche (ICTP), School and Workshop on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry in Prime Characteristics (smr 3866), 2023
- Organizer with N.V. Trung and J. Verma, ICTP for the Online Graduate Course on Tight Closure of Ideals and its Applications (May-July 2022).
- Organizer with A. Iarrobino, P. M. Marques, J. Valles, AMS-SMF-EMS Joint Internat. Meeting. Special Section: Deformation of Artinian algebras and Jordan type, Grenoble, July 2022
- Organizer with Slawomir Rams, Alessandra Sarti and Tomasz Szemberg of the special session: Projective Varieties and their Arrangements, UMI-SIMAI-PTM Mathematical Meeting in Wroclaw (Poland), September 17-20, 2018
- Organizer with Matteo Penegini and Stefano Vigni of the meeting Classical Algebraic Geometry and Apllications, Genova 4-6 Luglio, 2018.
- Organizer with Angelo Lopez and Matteo Penegini of the meeting Convegno Giovani di Geometria algebrica e argomenti correlati, Genova 29 Maggio-1 Giugno 2018.
- Organizer with T.Roemer, R.M. Miro Roig, T.Szemberg, M.Aprodu of the meeting ``Commutative algebra, Algebraic geometry and Combinatorics'', Genova 28-30 Settembre 2017
- Reviewer for Swedish Research Council (2017)
- Organizer with Hamid Hassanzadeh (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil) of the special session: Commutative algebra and its interactions, First Joint Meeting of Mathematics Brazil Italy, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, August 29 - September 02, 2016
- Organizer with A. Iarrobino (Northeastern University, USA), Pedro Macias Marques (Universidade de \'{E}vora) of the special session: Local Artinian commutative algebras and their deformations, Joint International Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), European Mathematical Society (EMS), and Sociedade Portuguesa de Matem·tica (SPM), University of Porto, Porto, Portugal June 10-13, 2015.
- Organizer with G. Caviglia (Purdue Univ., USA), J. Elias (Barcelona Univ.) and P. Gimenez (Valladolid Univ.) of the special session: Recent developments in Commutative algebra in the First Joint International Meeting RSME-SCM-SEMA-SIMAI-UMI, Bilbao, June 30 - July 4, 2014
- Organizer with C. Huneke, Le D.T., N.V. Trung of the School and Workshop on Local rings and Local study of algebraic varieties, ICTP Trieste, Italy, in honor of Prof. G. Valla, 31 May-11 June 2010
- Organizer withL. L. Avramov ( UNL, Lincoln, USA), M. Chardin (University of Paris VI-VII, Paris, France), J. K. Verma (IIT-B, Mumbai, India), T. J. Puthenpurakal (IIT-B, Mumbai, India) of: CIMPA School on Commutative algebra, IIT BOMBAY, Jan 2--12, 2008
- Organizer with A. Alzati (Milano), G. Casnati (Torino), F. Galluzzi (Torino), R. Notari (Milano) , G. Valla (Genova) of GTM Seminar: Some Topics in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, since 2008 to present.
- Scientific coordinator of the program of research Italia-Spagna, 2007-2009
- Organizer with L. Avramov, W. Bruns and A. Conca, of the meeting: Hilbert Functions and Syzygies in Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics. A conference in honor of Juergen Herzog, held at the Palazzone in Cortona (Italy) from 16 to 22 September 2007.
- Mentoring Grants Women for Research ( Mentor of C. Polini, Assistent Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Oregon), 2004.
- Organizer with G. Boffi and J. Herzog of the meeting: Current trends in commutative algebra (Levico, Italy, June 17-21, 2002)
- Referee for various international journals including Journal of Algebra, Proceeding of AMS, Transaction of AMS, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Math. Z., Communications in Algebra, Collectanea Mathematica.
- Reviewer for funding agencies (NSA, NSF, UBS (Barcelona))
PhD students:
- Valentina Bertella, 2006
- Leila Sharifan, 2010
- Rasoul Ahangari (Tarbiat
Moallem University, Iran), 2012
- Davide Bolognini, 2015
- Ulderico Fugacci 2016
- Laura Tozzo 2017
- Van Duc Trung, 2023
Mentor of Postdoctoral fellows:
- Valentina Bertella, Universita' di Genova fellowship 2006-2007.
- M. Mandal (IIT Mumbai, India) , Marie Curie-Indam Cofund fellowship 2012-2014.
- S. Masuti (IIT Mumbai, India) ,
Marie Curie-Indam Cofund fellowship 2015-2017.
Co-supervised Postdoctoral fellows:
- A. V. Jayanthan (IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India)
- Gemma Colome'-Nin (University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Leila Sharifan (Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Polytechnic University, Iran)
- Kazuho Ozeki (Meij University, Tokyo, Japan)
- Rasoul Ahangari (Tarbiat Moallem University, Iran)
- Roser Homs (University of Barcelona,
Invitations to Inernational Research Centers:
- - ICTP International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy) 2024
- Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach, Germany, February 2023
- Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques (CIRM), Luminy (France), January 2023
- Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach, Germany, February 2019
- Banff Internatinal Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (Canada): June 2018
- Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques (CIRM), Luminy (France), July 2017
- Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, NY, USA, June 2017
- Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach, Germany, December 2016
- Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, CA, USA, 2012.
- Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, Alberta (Canada), Free resolutions and syzygies, July 2012
- Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques (CIRM), Luminy (France), Commutative algebra and its interactions with algebraic geometry: June 2000, June 2003, June 2006, October 2008, November 2010, July 2013,
- Banff Internatinal Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (Canada): August 2012: Syzygies In Algebraic Geometry, with an exploration of a connection with String Theory
- Centre de Recerca Matematica, Bellaterra, Spain: May 2002.
Lecturer in International Schools:
- 5 Lectures in 4-th Joint meeting Japan-Vietnam, Meiji University, Tokyo, February 2009
- 5 Lectures on Castelnuovo Regularity and applications, CoCoA School, Barcelona (Spain) 2009
- 4 Lectures on Hilbert functions and Hilbert coeffcients of local rings, Pan-American Advanced Study Institute (PASI) in Commutative Algebra and its Connections to Geometry honoring Wolmer Vasconcelos (2009)
- 5 Lectures on Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity, School in Tehran, IPM, July 2011
- 5 Lectures in School on Syzygies, Trento,
September 2017.
Publications: About 65 pubblications in relevant international journals: Advances in Math., Compositio Math., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Journal of Algebra, Nagoya Math. J., Math. Zeitschrift, Proc. London Math. Soc., Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Algebra and Number Theory.
Noteworthy Talks (since
- Results and
problems passing from a local ring to its associated graded
ring, Osaka (Japan), September 2024
- The rate of
Gorenstein k-algebras,
Hanoi (Vietnam), June 2023
- The
rationality of the Poincare' Series,
Luminy (France), January 2023
- A
construction og Gorenstein k-algebras,
IIT Bombay (online), 2020
- Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the tangent cone, Notre Dame (USA), July 2018
- Gorenstein
k-akgebras, Banff, July 2018
- An effective construction of Gorenstein k-algebras, Bucharest, September 2017
- Normalized
Hilbert coefficients, Osaka, July 2017
- Gorenstein $k$-algebras, meeting in honor of C.Huneke, Michigan University, July 2016
- An effective approach to the construction of Gorenstein rings, KTH Stockholm, April 2016
- The structure of the inverse system of Gorenstein rings, Special session: Homological and Combinatorial Commutative Algebra, Joint International Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), European Mathematical Society (EMS), and Sociedade Portuguesa de Matematica (SPM), University of Porto, Porto, Portugal June 10-13, 2015.
- The
rationality of the Poincar\'e series of
modules over Gorenstein local rings,
"Commutative Algebra and its
interaction to Algebraic Geometry and Combinatorics", Hanoi, December 16-20, 2013. - Hilbert coefficients: classical results and open problems, Algebra Focus Period, MSRI, Berkeley, September 2012.
- Analytically Isomorphisms of Artinian rings, Connections For Women: Joint Workshop on Commutative Algebra and Cluster Algebras, MSRI, Berkeley, Aug 22, 2012 to Aug 24, 2012
- An
effective approach to the study
of local complete
intersections of height
two, Midwest Commutative
Algebra and Geometry Conference, Purdue, May 2011. - On the structure of Gorenstein local algebras with low socle degree, Luminy (France), November 2010
- Koszul modules and resolutions of local rings, Geometrical and Combinatorial aspects of Commutative Algebra", Villafranca (Messina) 2009
- Consecutive Cancellations on Betti numbers of local rings, 2nd Bluegrass Algebra Conference, Kentucky (USA) 2009
- Extremal Betti numbers of local rings, Commutative algebra and its interactions with algebraic geometry, Luminy (France), 2008
- Minimal free resolutions of filtered modules over RLR, International conference, Yokohama (Japan), 2008
- Hilbert coefficients of a module, Hanoi (Vietnam) CIMPA conference, January 2006
- Contracted ideals, MAGIC, Notre Dame (USA), October 2005
- Hilbert filtrations, ICTP Trieste (Italy), June 2004
- The Hilbert polynomial od a Cohen-Macaulay module, Lisbona (Portugal), June 2003.
- The transform of a lex-segment ideal and its associated graded ring, Algèbre commutative et ses interactions avec la géométrie algébrique, Luminy (France) June 2003.
- Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of certain
"Workshop on
algebra and
computational aspects", Sinaia (Romania), September 2002. - On the Hilbert coefficients of normal
First AMS-UMI,
Algebra and
its Interactions with Algebraic Geometry", Pisa June 2002. - Castelnuovo Regularity and finiteness of
First AMS-SMF,
Algebra and
Interactions with Algebraic Geometry", Lyon (France) from July 17-20, 2001. - Local rings of high embedding dimension, International Conference on Commutative algebra and its interaction with Algebraic Geometry, Luminy, France (June 2000).
- Maximal Hilbert functions, Workshop on Commutative Algebra, Essen, Germany (May 2000).
- On the rate of a zero-dimensional scheme, Zero-dimensional schemes, Naple, Italy (February 2000).
- Koszul graded algebras, AMS Meeting, Washington, (January 2000).
- On local Cohen-Macaulay rings of maximal
Colloquium Las
New Mexico (January 2000).