PUBLICATIONS (since 2000) with pdf.
Maria Evelina Rossi
- A. De Stefani, S. K. Masuti, M.E. Rossi, J. K. Verma, Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of powers of ideals in dimension two, (preprint), 2024
- A. De Stefani, M.E. Rossi, M. Varbaro, From a local ring to its associated graded algebra, (preprint), 2024
- E. De Negri, A. De Stefani, M.E. Rossi, On the rate of generic Gorenstein k-algebras, (preprint), 2023
- J. Elias, M.E. Rossi, Almost finitely generated inverse systems, Contemp. Math.Vol. 805 ISBNs: 978-1-4704-7356-3 (print); 978-1-4704-7665-6 (online) (2024)
- J. Elias, M.E. Rossi, The Inverse system of Gorenstein Points, Israel Journal of Math. (2023)
- J. Jelisiejew, S. K. Masuti, M.E. Rossi, On the Hilbert function of Artinian local complete intersections of codimension thre, Journal of Pure Appl. Algebra 227 (2023), no. 7, Paper No. 107326, 21 pp.
- J. Elias, M.E. Rossi, A constructive approach to one-dimensional Gorenstein k-algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 374 (2021), no. 7, 4953-4971
- T. Okuma, M.E. Rossi, K. Watanabe, K. Yoshida, Normal Hilbert coefficients and elliptic ideals in normal 2-dimensional local domains, Nagoya Math. J., 248 (2022), 779–800, DOI 10.1017/nmj.2022.5
- Masuti, Shreedevi K.; Ozeki, Kazuho;
Rossi, Maria Evelina; A
filtration of the Sally module and the first
normal Hilbert coefficient, J. Algebra 571
(2021), 376-392, in honor of Prof. C. Huneke.
- Masuti, Shreedevi K.; Ozeki, Kazuho; Rossi, Maria Evelina; Truong, Hoang Le, On the structure of the Sally module and the second normal Hilbert coefficient, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), no. 7, 2757–2771.
- S. K. Masuti, M.E. Rossi, Artinian level algebras of socle degree 4 Journal of Algebra, Vol. 507 (2018), 525-546.
- M.E. Rossi, T.D. Dinh, N.V. Trung, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and Ratliff-Rush closure Journal of Algebra, 504 (2018), 568–586
- J. Elias, M.E. Rossi, The structure of the inverse system of Gorenstein k-algebras Adv. Math. 314 (2017), 306-327 in honor of Prof. Giuseppe Valla
- K. Ozeki, M.E. Rossi, The structure of the Sally module of integrally closed ideals Nagoya Math. J. 227 (2017), 49-76
- A. Corso, C. Polini, M.E. Rossi, Bounds on the normal Hilbert coefficients, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (2016), 1919-1930.
- M.E. Rossi, The dual module of Gorenstein k-algebras (slides) , Proceedings 8-th Japan-Vietnam Joint Seminar on Commutative Algebra, Hayama, Japan (2016), 204--2017.
- Masuti, Shreedevi K.; Ozeki, Kazuho; Rossi, Maria Evelina; Truong, Hoang Le, On the structure of the Sally module and the second normal Hilbert coefficient, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), no. 7, 2757–2771.
- M. Mandal, M.E. Rossi, The tangent cone of perfect ideals of codimension two, Acta Mathematica Vietnamita, special issue in honor of N.V. Trung, 2014, Volume 40, N. 1 (2015), 85-100.
- J. Elias, M.E. Rossi, Analytically isomorphisms of compressed algebras, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (2015) 973-987.
- R. Ahangari Maleki, M.E. Rossi, Regularity and linearity defect of modules over local rings,, Journal of Comm. Algebra 6, N.4 (2014)
- M.E. Rossi, L. Sega, The Poincare' series of modules over compressed Gorenstein local rings, Advances in Math. 259 (2014) 421-447
- J. Elias, M.E. Rossi, G. Valla, On the Hilbert function of one-dimensional local complete intersections, J. of Algebra 399 (2014) 489-515
- A. Conca, E. De Negri, M.E. Rossi, Koszul algebras and Regularity, Commutative Algebra (in honor of D. Eisenbud), 285-315, Springer, New York 2013.
- G. Casnati, J. Elias, R. Notari, M.E. Rossi, Poincare' series and deformations of Gorenstein local algebras, Comm. In Algebra. 41 (2013), 1049--1059.
- J. Elias, M. E. Rossi, Isomorphism classes of Artinian local rings via Macaulay's inverse system Trans. A.M.S. Volume 364, Number 9, (2012), Pages 4589–4604.
- M.E. Rossi, Hilbert Functions of Cohen-Macaulay local rings "Commutative Algebra and its Connections to Geometry", Contemporary Mathematics 555, AMS (2011), 173-200.
- (Monograph) M.E. Rossi, G. Valla, Hilbert Function of filtered modules, Springer-UMI Lecture Notes in Mathematics, LN 9 (2010).
- M. E. Rossi, L. Sharifan, Consecutive cancellations in Betti numbers of local rings, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), 61-73.
- M.E. Rossi, Hilbert function and free resolutions of filtered modules, Proceedings 4th Japan-Vietnam Joint Seminar on Commutative Algebra, Meiji University, Institute of Mathematics (2009), 8--44.
- M. E. Rossi, L. Sharifan, Minimal free resolutio of a finitely generated module over a regular local ring, Journal of Algebra 322 (2009), 3693-3712.
- A. Conca, E. De Negri, M. E. Rossi, Integrally closed and componentwise linear ideals, Math. Z. (2010), published on line: DOI 10.1007/s00209-009-0537-4
- M. E. Rossi, G. Valla, On the Chern number of a filtration, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, 121 (2009)
- A. Conca, E. De Negri, M. E. Rossi, Contracted ideals and the Groebner fan of the rational normal curve, Algebra and Number Theory 1 (2007), no. 3, 239--268.
- M.E. Rossi, N.V. Trung, G. Valla, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and finiteness of Hilbert functions, Commutative algebra, 193-209, Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math., 244, Chapman Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2006.
- A. Conca, E. De Negri, A.V. Jayanthan, M.E. Rossi Graded rings associated with contracted ideals, J. Algebra 284 (2005), no. 2, 593-626.
- M.E. Rossi, G. Valla, The Hilbert function of the Ratliff-Rush filtration , J. Pure Appl. Algebra 201 (2005), no. 1-3, 25--41.
- A. Corso, C. Polini, M.E. Rossi, Depth of associated graded rings via Hilbert coefficients of ideals, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 201 (2005), no. 1-3, 126--141.
- M.E. Rossi, N.V. Trung, G. Valla, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and extended degree , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), no. 5, 1773--1786
- M.E. Rossi, I. Swanson Notes on the behavior of the Ratliff-Rush filtration, Commutative algebra (Grenoble/Lyon, 2001), 313--328, Contemp. Math., 331, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2003.
- M.E.Rossi, G. Valla and W. V. Vasconcelos, Maximal Hilbert functions, Result. Math. 39 (2001) 99-114.
- A.
Conca, M.E.
Rossi and G.
Valla, Groebner
flags and
Compositio Math. 129 (2001), 95-121 - A. Conca, E. De Negri and M.E. Rossi, On the rate of a set of points in projective space, Israel Journal of Math., Vol. 124 (2001), 253-265
- M.E. Rossi and G. Valla, Stretched m-primary ideals, Beitraege zur Algebra und Geometrie 42 (2001), Number 1
- M.E. Rossi, A bound on the reduction number of a primary ideal, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), 1325-1332.
- M.E. Rossi and G. Valla, Cohen-Macaulay local rings of embedding dimension e+d-3, Proc. London Math. Soc. { 80} (2000), 107-126.
- M.E. Rossi, Primary ideals with good associated graded rings, J. Pure and Appl. Algebra {\bf 145} (2000), 75-90.
PUBLICATIONS (1978-1999)
- A. Guerrieri and M.E. Rossi, Estimates on the depth of the associated graded ring, J. Algebra {\bf 211} (1999), 457-471.
- M.E. Rossi and G. Valla, Cohen-Macaulay
local ring of dimension two and a strong
version of a conjecture of J. Sally,
J. Pure and Appl. Algebra {\bf 122} (1997), 293-311. - M.E. Rossi and G. Valla,
Cohen-Macaulay local ring of dimension two and a
strong version of a conjecture of J. Sally,
J. Pure and Appl. Algebra {\bf 122} (1997), 293-311. - M.E. Rossi and G. Valla, A conjecture of J. Sally, Comm. Algebra {\bf 24} (1996), 4249-4261.
- J. Elias, M.E. Rossi and G. Valla, On the coefficients of the Hilbert polynomial, J. Pure and Appl. Algebra {\bf 108} (1996), 35-60.
- T. Mora and M.E. Rossi, An algorithm for the Hilbert function of a primary ideal, Comm. Algebra {\bf 23} (1995), 1899-1911.
- M.P. Cavaliere, M.E. Rossi and G. Valla, Quadrics through a set of points and their syzygies, Math. Zeitschrift {\bf 218} (1995), 25-42.
- M.P. Cavaliere,
M.E. Rossi and G. Valla,
The strong Castelnuovo lemma
for zerodimensional
Proceedings of the Conference on Zero Dimensional Schemes, Ravello 8-3 Giugno 1992, Walter de Gruyter. - M.P. Cavaliere,
M.E. Rossi and G.
Valla, The Green and
Lazarsfeld conjecture for
$n+4$ points in $P^n$,
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univers. Politecn. Torino, { 49} (1991). - M.P.
Cavaliere, M.E. Rossi
and G. Valla, On Green
and Lazarsfeld and
minimal resolution
conjecture for $n+3$
in $P^n$, J. Pure Appl. Algebra {\bf 85} (1991), 105-117. - M.P. Cavaliere, M.E. Rossi and G. Valla, On the resolution of certain graded algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. {\bf 337} (1993), 389-409.
- M.P. Cavaliere, M.E. Rossi and G. Valla, On the resolution of points in generic position, Comm. Algebra, {\bf 19} (1991), 1083-1097.
- M.P. Cavaliere, M.E. Rossi and G. Valla, On short graded algebras, Commutative Algebra, Notes Math. {\bf 1430}, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1990).
- M.E.
Rossi and G.
Nagoya Math. J. {\bf 110} (1988), 81-111. - J. Herzog, M.E. Rossi and G. Valla, On the depth of the Symmetric algebra of a local ring, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. {\bf 296} (1986), 577-606.
- C. Huneke and M.E. Rossi, The dimension and components of the Symmetric algebras, J. Algebra {\bf 93} (1984), 200-210.
- M.E. Rossi, A note on the Symmetric algebras which are Gorenstein rings, Comm. Algebra {\bf 11} (1983), 2575-2591.
- M.E. Rossi, On the Cohen-Macaulay type of the Symmetric algebras of a local ring, Comm. Algebra {\bf 10} (1982), 981-992.
- M.E. Rossi, On Symmetric algebras which are Cohen-Macaulay, Manuscripta Mathematica {\bf 34} (1981), 199-210.
- M.E. Rossi, Sulle algebre di Rees e simmetriche di un ideale, Le Matematiche {\bf XXXXIV} (1979), 107-119.
- M.E.
Altezza e
ad un
ideale, Rend.
Sem. Mat.
Polit. Torino
{\bf 36}